Thursday 4 August 2011

T Shirt Design Ideas

T Shirt Design Ideas

All around the world many people ware different kind of T-shirts. This T shirts are designed according to the look and feel of persons. Some can be large, extra large, medium etc.

Now talking about the the designs these t shirts have, also differs. For example in USA people like wearing t shirts which are having written something meaningful. Some like some extra ordinary designs on their tees. In India there is trend to wear T-shirts which are having some printed design, or having written some double meaning sentences.

No matter what you are doing for your t shirt, in my opinion it should look unique in design or text. You might be taking part in some t-shirt design competition, or may be designing for fun.

Following are some designs which is not designed by me but I liked the look and feel and may be my T Shirt Design Ideas may revolve around them.

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